1.3 Given a scenario, perform vulnerability management activities
Vulnerability identification:
Asset criticality: impact if CIA was breached; sensitivity of data & business criticality
Active vs passive scanning: interact with targets VS use stored data to find info/identify targets
Mapping/enumeration: host/asset/network/infrastructure/systems discovery/mapping
True positive: scanner correctly identifies existing vulnerability
False positive: reported vulnerability that doesn't exist (verify patch/versions, or attempt actual attack)
True negative: scanner correctly doesn't alert on non-existent vulnerability
False negative: scanner alerts on non-existent vulnerability
Configuration baseline: perform anomaly analysis; provides info on OS/apps
Patching: maintain current security patch levels on OS/apps (with e.g. SCCM)
Hardening: disable unnecessary ports/services, centralised control, secure config etc.
Compensating controls: when system can't be upgraded/patched; isolate and place compensating controls in front
Risk acceptance: don't take any action against risk (low risk; ALE < mitigation cost)
Verification of mitigation: audits (formal), assessments (informal), patch levels, repeated vulnerability scanning
Scanning parameters and criteria:
Risks associated with scanning activities: scans consume bandwidth and resources, and risk business process interruptions (tune intensity & scan times)
Vulnerability feed: SCAP (e.g. CCE [config], CPE [product names], CVE [vulnerabilities], CVSS [severity], XCCDF [checklist results], OVAL [testing procedures used by checklists])
Scope: extent of scan (included systems/networks; host discovery methods; what tests will be conducted against active hosts)
Credentialed vs non-credentialed: can confirm an issue by accessing OS/database/app info VS chance of false positives/negatives
Server-based vs agent-based: central server remotely scans hosts VS agent installed on targets perform internal scans and report back to the server
Internal vs external: gives different perspectives; insider threat vs external attacker
Special considerations:
Types of data: health, financial, PII etc.; data classification
Technical constraints: capabilities of the scanning system => frequency limitations
Workflow: remediation workflow (detection -> remediation -> testing);
Sensitivity levels: minimum severity rating (low, medium, high, critical)
Regulatory requirements: PCI DSS (internal & external; at least quarterly by qualified professional or ASV); FISMA (updated scanning tools, update vulnerability list before /after scan, some authenticated scans, determine discoverable info and correct them)
Segmentation: compliance networks can be segmented to reduce scan scope
IPS, IDS, and firewall settings: internal = insider threat; external = external attack
Inhibitors to remediation:
MOU: non-legally binding; customer must participate in including scanning in MOU
SLA: customer expectations of security, performance & uptime
Organisational governance: may block config changes needed for scanning; limited resources and support
Business process interruption: taking down systems can cause significant interruption
Degrading functionality: service degradation can lead to business process interruption
Legacy systems: EoL unsupported systems don't get security updates
Proprietary systems: different vendors; some vendors will not have patches/updates
Last updated